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Aristotle quotes on truthThe truth or falsity of a statement depends on facts, and not on any power on the part of the statement itself of admitting contrary qualities We must be content then, in speaking of such things Source: Aristotle, Ethics The truth of this second point is shown by experience: though the objects themselves may be painful to see, we delight to view the most realistic representations of them in art, the forms for example of the lowest animals and of dead bodies Those who are any ways doubtful concerning this question may be convinced of the truth of it by examining into the best formed states: for, if it is impossible that a city should consist entirely of excellent citizens (while it is necessary that every one should do well in his calling, in which consists his excellence, as it is impossible that all the citizens should have the same [1277a] qualifications) it is impossible that the virtue of a citizen and a good man should be the same; for all should possess the virtue of an excellent citizen: for from hence necessarily arise the perfection of the city: but that every one should possess the virtue of a good man is impossible without all the citizens in a well-regulated state were necessarily virtuous Part 12 The truth of this view of Solon's policy is established alike by common consent, and by the mention he has himself made of the matter in his poems
Automatic text parsing 22/04/2010Quotes for: Aristotle Quotes Source: Project Gutenberg texts
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