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Shakespeare quotes on dreamsThen thou whose shadow shadows doth make bright How would thy shadow's form, form happy show, To the clear day with thy much clearer light, When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so! How would (I say) mine eyes be blessed made, By looking on thee in Source: THE SONNETS Exeunt GUIDERIUS and ARVIRAGUS How hard it is to hide the sparks of nature! These boys know little they are sons to th' King, Nor Cymbeline dreams that they are alive O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams O Nell, sweet Nell, if thou dost love thy lord, Banish the canker of ambitious thoughts! And may that thought, when I imagine ill Against my king and nephew, virtuous Henry, Be my last breathing in this mortal world! My troublous dreams this night doth make me sad But as I travell'd hither through the land, I find the people strangely fantasied; Possess'd with rumours, full of idle dreams But it is doubtful yet Whether Caesar will come forth today or no, For he is superstitious grown of late, Quite from the main opinion he held once Of fantasy, of dreams, and ceremonies 'Be thou' quoth I 'accurs'd For making me, so young, so old a widow; And when thou wed'st, let sorrow haunt thy bed; And be thy wife, if any be so mad, More miserable by the life of thee Than thou hast made me by my dear lord's death.' Lo, ere I can repeat this curse again, Within so small a time, my woman's heart Grossly grew captive to his honey words And prov'd the subject of mine own soul's curse, Which hitherto hath held my eyes from rest; For never yet one hour in his bed Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep, But with his timorous dreams was still awak'd Source: KING RICHARD III Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose, And then dreams he of smelling out a suit; And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig's tail Tickling a parson's nose as 'a lies asleep, Then dreams he of another benefice If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep My dreams presage some joyful news at hand O noble lord, bethink thee of thy birth! Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment, And banish hence these abject lowly dreams If young Doricles Do light upon her, she shall bring him that Which he not dreams of Quotes for: Shakespeare Quotes
Source: Project Gutenburg Texts
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