
>UFOs are for real: the Air Force doesn't exist.


To date, the firm conclusions of Project Blue Book are:

   1. no unidentified flying object reported, investigated and evaluated

      by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our

      national security;

   2. there has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air

      Force that sightings categorized as UNIDENTIFIED represent

      technological developments or principles beyond the range of

      present-day scientific knowledge; and

   3. there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized

      as UNIDENTIFIED are extraterrestrial vehicles.

- the summary of Project Blue Book, an Air Force study of UFOs from 1950

  to 1965, as quoted by James Randi in Flim-Flam!

Fortune Cookie

>UFOs are for real: the Air Force doesn't exist.

Fortune Cookie
