
Just as little can we afford to follow the doctrinaires of an impossible — and incidentally of a highly undesirable — social revolution which, in destroying individual rights — including property rights — and the family, would destroy the two chief agents in the advance of mankind, and the two chief reasons why either the advance or the preservation of mankind is worthwhile. It is an evil and a dreadful thing to be callous to sorrow and suffering and blind to our duty to do all things possible for the betterment of social conditions. But it is an unspeakably foolish thing to strive for this betterment by means so destructive that they would leave no social conditions to better. In dealing with all these social problems, with the intimate relations of the family, with wealth in private use and business use, with labor, with poverty, the one prime necessity is to remember that, though hardness of heart is a great evil, it is no greater an evil than softness of head. [“Biological Analogies in History,” History as Literature , 1913.]

Roosevelt, Theodore.

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.


O, that a man might know The end of this day's business ere it come!

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. 1564-1616.     _Julius C?sar. Act v. Sc. 1._

I never called my work an 'art' It's part of show business, the business of building entertainment.

Walter Elias "Walt" Disney

Homme d'affaires=--A business man.


Le mauvais metier que celui de censeur=--A bad business that of censor.

_Guy Patin._

Most business relationships either become too tense to tolerate or not tense enough to be productive after a while. Either people challenge each other to the point where they don’t like each other or they become complacent about each other’s feedback and no longer benefit from the relationship.

Ben Horowitz

Study to be quiet; contain yourself within your own business, and let the prying, censorious, the vain and the intriguing world follow their own devices.

_Thomas a Kempis._

What we're striving for is total freedom, where we can finance our pictures, make them our way, release them where we want them released and be completely free to express ourselves. That's very hard to do in the world of business. In this country, the only thing that speaks is money and you have to have the money in order to have the power to be free. So the danger is — in being as oppressive as the next guy to the people below you. We're going to do everything possible to avoid that pitfall.

George Lucas

When all is done, the help of good counsel is that which setteth business straight.


Never invest in a business you can’t understand.

Warren Edward Buffett

Modeling paged and segmented memories is tricky business.

P.J. Denning

_Diversions._--Men are charged from infancy with the care of their honour, their fortunes, and their friends, and more, with the care of the fortunes and honour of their friends. They are overwhelmed with business, with the study of languages and bodily exercises; they are given to understand that they cannot be happy unless their health, their honour, their fortune and that of their friends be in good condition, and that a single point wanting will render them unhappy. Thus we give them business and occupations which harass them incessantly from the very dawn of day. A strange mode, you will say, of making them happy. What more could be done to make them miserable? What could be done? We need only release them from all these cares, for then they would see themselves; they would think on what they are, whence they come, and whither they go, and therefore it is impossible to occupy and distract them too much. This is why, after having provided them with constant business, if there be any time to spare we urge them to employ it in diversion and in play, so as to be always fully occupied.

Blaise Pascal     The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal

Die Unsterblichkeit ist nicht jedermann's Sache=--Immortality is not every man's business or concern.


An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.

About Business

Misera est magni custodia census=--The custody of a large fortune is a wretched business.


It’s crazy that we think today is just a normal day to do whatever we want with. To those of us who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money,” James writes, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (4:13–14).

Francis Chan

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.

About Business

Music is everybody's business. It's only the publishers who think people own it. John Lennon

About Music

>Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life. Witness the fact that in the Lord’s Prayer, the first petition is for daily bread. No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.

Wilson, Woodrow.

Only now are increasing numbers of political and social scientists beginning to realize that [Kelso’s] theories provide a private-property-based alternative to the imminent passage of a government-distributed “guaranteed income” or “negative income tax.” [ Harvard Business Review , September-October 1969.]

Henderson, Hazel.

Punctuality is the soul of business.


Eighty-five percent of small businesses in this country fail within the first two years. Eight-five percent! That’s a whole lot of failure. Warren Buffett said that he would not invest in any business where the owner hasn’t failed at least twice. I love that truly wealthy and successful people understand that failure is part of the process.

Steve Harvey

Happy men are full of the present, for its bounty suffices them; and wise men also, for its duties engage them. Our grand business undoubtedly is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.


If you are smart enough to know that you're not smart enough to be an

Engineer, then you're in Business.

We never think of the main business of life till a vain repentance minds us of it at the wrong end.--_L'Estrange._

Maturin M. Ballou     Pearls of Thought

The modern knows that the only source of real knowledge lies in the application of scientific methods of enquiry to the ascertainment of the facts of existence; that the ascertainable is infinitely greater than the ascertained, and that the chief business of the teacher is not so much to make scholars as to train pioneers.

T. H. Huxley     Aphorisms and Reflections from the Works of T. H. Huxley

_Weariness._--Nothing is so insupportable to man as to be completely at rest, without passion, without business, without diversion, without study. He then feels his nothingness, his loneliness, his insufficiency, his dependence, his weakness, his emptiness.

Blaise Pascal     The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal

[A] free society should be a proprietary society, in the sense of a wide diffusion of property ownership. A great majority of men and women must have a direct stake in the existing order, and a corresponding interest in its preservation. I do not mean that we should endeavor to return to the days of handicraft and of the individual artisan, as has been suggested by a number of writers. We cannot afford to sacrifice all of the immense benefits of mass production. But we must do all in our power to encourage home ownership, farm ownership and the growth of small business enterprises. [ The Seventeen Million , New York: Macmillan, 1937, p. 52.]

Mills, Ogden L

My conception of the audience is of a public each member of which is carrying about with him what he thinks is an anxiety, or a hope, or a preoccupation which is his alone and isolates him from mankind; and in this respect at least the function of a play is to reveal him to himself so that he may touch others by virtue of the revelation of his mutuality with them. If only for this reason I regard the theater as a serious business, one that makes or should make man more human, which is to say, less alone.

Arthur Miller

It is not fit the public trusts should be lodged in the hands of any, till they are first proved and found fit for the business they are to be entrusted with.

MATHEW HENRY. 1662-1714.     _Commentaries. Timothy iii._

Among reasonable men problems of business could always be solved.

Mario Puzo

The yawning six-year chasm between my age and Chris’s is not the only fly in the proverbial ointment of this “loving Chris” business. I’m not even sure what “getting” Chris would involve; all I know is I want him. I want to be enfolded by him somehow, and to possess him. To have unfettered and exclusive access to him all the time. To feel how I feel around him all the time. To know that he loves being around me too. To feel more of his skin on my skin.

Laura Buzo

The works of Louis O. Kelso and Patricia Hetter are an essential starting point for reading on black enterprise. The authors develop the wealth-making techniques of credit leverage as one of the most efficient and direct methods of producing affluence in a poor society. The program is brilliantly creative and specific. [ Black Capitalism: Strategy for Business in the Ghetto .]

Cross, Theodore L.

Defining philosophy as “an activity, attempting by means of discussion and reasoning, to make life happy,” he believed that happiness is gained through the achievement of moral self-sufficiency (autarkeia) and freedom from disturbance (ataraxia). The main obstacles to the goal of tranquillity of mind are our unnecessary fears and desires, and the only way to eliminate these is to study natural science. The most serious disturbances of all are fear of death, including fear of punishment after death, and fear of the gods. Scientific inquiry removes fear of death by showing that the mind and spirit are material and mortal, so that they cannot live on after we die: as Epicurus neatly and logically puts it: “Death…is nothing to us: when we exist, death is not present; and when death is present, we do not exist. Consequently it does not concern either the living or the dead, since for the living it is non-existent and the dead no longer exist” (Letter to Menoeceus 125). As for fear of the gods, that disappears when scientific investigation proves that the world was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, that the gods live outside the world and have no inclination or power to intervene in its affairs, and that irregular phenomena such as lightning, thunder, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes have natural causes and are not manifestations of divine anger. Every Epicurean would have agreed with Katisha in the Mikado when she sings: But to him who’s scientific There’s nothing that’s terrific In the falling of a flight of thunderbolts! So the study of natural science is the necessary means whereby the ethical end is attained. And that is its only justification: Epicurus is not interested in scientific knowledge for its own sake, as is clear from his statement that “if we were not disturbed by our suspicions concerning celestial phenomena, and by our fear that death concerns us, and also by our failure to understand the limits of pains and desires, we should have no need of natural science” (Principal Doctrines 11). Lucretius’ attitude is precisely the same as his master’s: all the scientific information in his poem is presented with the aim of removing the disturbances, especially fear of death and fear of the gods, that prevent the attainment of tranquillity of mind. It is very important for the reader of On the Nature of Things to bear this in mind all the time, particularly since the content of the work is predominantly scientific and no systematic exposition of Epicurean ethics is provided.25 Epicurus despised philosophers who do not make it their business to improve people’s moral condition: “Vain is the word of a philosopher by whom no human suffering is cured. For just as medicine is of no use if it fails to banish the diseases of the body, so philosophy is of no use if it fails to banish the suffering of the mind” (Usener fr. 221). It is evident that he would have condemned the majority of modern philosophers and scientists.

Titus Lucretius Carus

Perfection, cosmically, was nothing but perfect Equanimity and Harmony; and in human relations, nothing but perfect Love and Justice. And Perfection began to glow before the eyes of the Western world like a new star, whose light touched with glamour all things as they came forth from Mystery, till to Mystery they were ready to return. This — I thought is surely what the Western world has dimly been rediscovering. There has crept into our minds once more the feeling that the Universe is all of a piece, Equipoise supreme; and all things equally wonderful, and mysterious, and valuable. We have begun, in fact, to have a glimmering of the artist's creed, that nothing may we despise or neglect — that everything is worth the doing well, the making fair — that our God, Perfection, is implicit everywhere, and the revelation of Him the business of our Art.

John Galsworthy

If man had a higher idea of himself and his destiny, he would neither call his business amusement nor amuse himself instead of transacting business.


The errors of young men are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men amount to but this, that more might have been done, or sooner.


The main Business of natural Philosophy is to argue from Phenomena without feigning Hypotheses, and to deduce Causes from Effects, till we come to the very first Cause, which certainly is not mechanical.

Isaac Newton (born 4 January 1643

There is the general belief that the corporation income tax is a tax on the “rich” and on the “fat cats.” But with pension funds owning 30% of American large business—and soon to own 50%—the corporation income tax, in effect, eases the load on those in top income brackets and penalizes the beneficiaries of pension funds. [ The Wall Street Journal, September 16, 1975.]

Drucker, Peter.

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

OLD TESTAMENT.     _Proverbs xxii. 29._

Finding your able man, and getting him invested with the symbols of ability, is the business, well or ill accomplished, of all social procedure whatsoever in this world.


Two hundred years ago the first liberal economist, Adam Smith, warned businessmen that they could absorb only a certain amount of rigidity. In the easy days after World War II…wage rises could be financed out of inflationary price increases. But now that foreign steel, and foreign cars, are moving into the United States in increased quantities at relatively low prices, the United States can no longer keep its business system fluid by inflation. Thus a new way of finding fluidity will inevitably be imposed on management and labor alike. The profit-sharing, or “progress” sharing union contract is the only possible way of satisfying labor and the consumer without saddling industry with fixed costs that in depression periods can kill off marginal companies like flies.

Chamberlain, John.

Don't steal; thou'lt never thus compete successfully in business.  Cheat.

Ambrose Bierce

In a little over 100 years we have moved from an economy where most people were motivated and rewarded by profits to one where millions of our fellow citizens are wage-earning employees who are not so motivated or rewarded…. [The corporate form of business organization lacks for employees the element of personal involvement in the fortunes of the enterprise that is inherent in partnerships and family farms that once accounted for the employment of almost everyone…. Millions…work for wages alone. They do not share in profits or losses except indirectly in ways not apparent to them…. The sharing of success as measured by profits…makes each individual feel he is a responsible member of the group. Profit sharing is the recognition of the importance of the individual, whatever his job, to the success of an enterprise.

Leslie, John H. (Chairman, Signode Corporation).

True dispatch is a rich thing; for time is the measure of business, as money is of wares, and business is bought at a dear hand where there is small dispatch.--_Bacon._

Maturin M. Ballou     Pearls of Thought

Work is our business; its success is God's.

_Ger. Pr._

Never ask two questions in a business letter.  The reply will discuss

the one you are least interested, and say nothing about the other.

My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people.

Steven Paul Jobs

To business that we love we rise betime, And go to 't with delight.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. 1564-1616.     _Antony and Cleopatra. Act iv. Sc. 4._

The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.

About Business

~Curiosity.~--A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of the bees, will often be stung for his curiosity.--_Pope._

Maturin M. Ballou     Pearls of Thought

It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.

J.R.R. Tolkien

It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he’s terribly strong. And if he’s stronger than I, I’m the one who can’t live with him. … I’m neither smart nor stupid, but I don’t think I’m a run-of-the-mill person. I’ve been in business without being a businesswoman, I’ve loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men I’ve loved, I think, will remember me, on earth or in heaven, because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. I’ve done my best, in regard to people and to life, without precepts, but with a taste for justice.

Coco Chanel

It's been a business doing pleasure with you.


Amoto qu?ramus seria ludo=--Jesting aside, let us give attention to serious business.


Method is the very hinge of business.

_Hannah_ _More._

I remember that a wise friend of mine did usually say, "That which is everybody's business is nobody's business."

IZAAK WALTON. 1593-1683.     _The Complete Angler. Part i. Chap. ii._

The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land, to add something to the extent and the solidity of our possessions.

T. H. Huxley

The knowledge which is absolutely requisite in dealing with young children is the knowledge you possess, as you would know your own business, and which you can just turn about as if you were explaining to a boy a matter of everyday life.

T. H. Huxley     Aphorisms and Reflections from the Works of T. H. Huxley

How happy the life unembarrassed by the cares of business!

PUBLIUS SYRUS. 42 B. C.     _Maxim 725._

When you're young, you look at television and think, There's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That's a far more depressing thought. Conspiracy is optimistic! You can shoot the bastards! We can have a revolution! But the networks are really in business to give people what they want. It's the truth.

Steve Jobs (born 24 February 1955

No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.

About Business

Lastly, the eighth, and the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty; namely, to assist the reduced fellowman, either by a considerable gift, or a loan of money, or by teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business, so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. To this Scripture alludes when it says: “And if thy brother be waxen poor and fallen in decay with thee, then thou shalt relieve him; yea, though he be a stranger or a sojourner; that he may live with thee… ” [ Matnot Aniyim , 10, 7 (the eight levels of charity).]

Maimonides, Moses.

He is wise who can instruct us and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living; he who trains us to see old truth under academic formularies may be wise or not, as it chances, but we love to see wisdom in unpretending forms, to recognise her royal features under a week-day vesture.


If one were to think constantly of death, the business of life would stand still.


It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails.

Romain Rolland

Every great business is built on friendship.

About Business

Remember that you are an actor in a drama of such sort as the Author chooses. If short, then in a short one; if long, then in a long one. If it be His pleasure that you should act a poor man, see that you act it well; or a cripple, or a ruler, or a private citizen. For this is your business, to act well the given part; but to choose it, belongs to another.


Analysis is not the business of the poet. His office is to portray, not to dissect.


The finding of your able man, and getting him invested with the symbols of ability, is the business, well or ill accomplished, of all social procedure whatsoever in the world.


Young men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business.

FRANCIS BACON. 1561-1626.     _Of Youth and Age._

Without affecting stoicism, it may be said that it is our business to exempt ourselves as much as we can from the power of external things.


Men in great place are thrice servants,--servants of the sovereign or state, servants of fame, and servants of business.

FRANCIS BACON. 1561-1626.     _Of Great Place._

Whosoever and whatsoever introduces itself and appears, in the firm earth of human business, or, as we well say, comes into existence, must proceed from the world of the supernatural; whatsoever of a material sort deceases and disappears might be expected to go thither.


Happy is he to whom his business itself becomes a puppet, who at length can play with it, and amuse himself with what his situation makes his duty.


The golden rule for every business man is this: “Put yourself in your customer’s place.

About Business

If you will go to the banks of a little stream, and watch the flies that come to bathe in it, you will notice that, while they plunge their _bodies_ into the water, they keep their _wings_ high out of the water; and, after swimming about a little while, they fly away with their wings unwet through the sunny air. Now, that is the lesson for us. Here we are immersed in the cares and business of the world; but let us keep the wings of our soul, our faith and our love, out of the world, that, with these unclogged, we may be ready to take our flight to heaven.--_J. Inglis._

Various     Thoughts for the Quiet Hour

Young men are fitter to invent than to judge; fitter for execution than for counsel; and fitter for new projects than for settled business.


Let thy mind still be bent, still plotting where, / And when, and how thy business may be done, / Slackness breeds worms; but the sure traveller, / Though he alights sometimes, still goeth on.

_George Herbert._

Of seeming arms to make a short essay, Then hasten to be drunk,--the business of the day.

JOHN DRYDEN. 1631-1701.     _Cymon and Iphigenia. Line 407._

~Observation.~--It is the close observation of little things which is the secret of success in business, in art, in science, and in every pursuit in life. Human knowledge is but an accumulation of small facts, made by successive generations of men,--the little bits of knowledge and experience carefully treasured up by them growing at length into a mighty pyramid.--_Samuel Smiles._

Maturin M. Ballou     Pearls of Thought

By whatever means it is accomplished, the prime business of a play is to arouse the passions of its audience so that by the route of passion may be opened up new relationships between a man and men, and between men and Man. Drama is akin to the other inventions of man in that it ought to help us to know more, and not merely to spend our feelings.

Arthur Miller

Tom looked at Stokes for a long moment, then laughed loosely. Stokes could have asked what business the guy was in. It was probably expected of him. But he didn’t think Tom was tracking the conversation very closely any longer. He was tottering on his stool now, his vacant eyes staring sightlessly at the mirror behind the bar. Stokes could have looked at that mirror, too, but he didn’t.

James Hankins

~Erudition.~--'Tis of great importance to the honor of learning that men of business should know erudition is not like a lark, which flies high, and delights in nothing but singing; but that 't is rather like a hawk, which soars aloft indeed, but can stoop when she finds it convenient, and seize her prey.--_Bacon._

Maturin M. Ballou     Pearls of Thought

Love is the business of the idle, but the idleness of the busy.

_Bulwer Lytton._

Letting the other person feel that the idea is his or hers not only works in business and politics, it works in family life as well.

Dale Carnegie

The world has no business with my life; the world will never know my life, if it should write and read a hundred biographies of me.


So ends the bloody business of the day.

ALEXANDER POPE. 1688-1744.     _The Odyssey of Homer. Book xxii. Line 516._

It is no man's business whether he has genius or not: work he must, whatever he is, but quietly and steadily; and the natural and unforced results of such work will always be the things that God meant him to do, and will be his best.


I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processings is a fad that won't last out the year.

The editor in charge of business books for Prentice-Hall, 1957
